Status Bar incorrectly displays time and other status colors in API 35 Android Emulators: A Comprehensive Guide
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Status Bar incorrectly displays time and other status colors in API 35 Android Emulators: A Comprehensive Guide

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Welcome to our tutorial on resolving the frustrating issue of the status bar incorrectly displaying time and other status colors in API 35 Android Emulators. If you’re an Android developer or enthusiast, you’re likely no stranger to the importance of a functional status bar. In this article, we’ll delve into the causes, effects, and most importantly, the solutions to this pesky problem.

What’s going on with the status bar?

The status bar, a crucial component of the Android UI, provides vital information to users, such as the time, battery level, and network connectivity. However, in API 35 Android Emulators, users have been reporting a strange phenomenon: the status bar is displaying incorrect information, including the wrong time and aberrant status colors.

This issue can be attributed to a few key factors:

  • Incompatible System Images: The API 35 system images might not be fully compatible with the emulator, leading to display anomalies.
  • Bug in Android Emulator: A software bug within the emulator itself could be causing the status bar to malfunction.
  • Configuration Issues: Improper configuration of the emulator or the Android project might be contributing to the problem.

Symptoms and Variations

The manifestations of this issue can vary, but common symptoms include:

  1. Incorrect Time Display: The status bar may display an incorrect time, which can be hours or even days off from the actual time.
  2. Distorted Status Colors: The status bar colors may appear distorted, inverted, or even randomly changing.
  3. Frozen Status Bar: In some cases, the status bar might become unresponsive or stuck, refusing to refresh or update.

Solutions and Workarounds

Fear not, dear developers! We’ve got you covered with a range of solutions and workarounds to get your status bar back in working order:

Method 1: Update Your Android Emulator

The first step is to ensure you’re running the latest version of the Android Emulator. Updates often address bug fixes and compatibility issues, so it’s essential to keep your emulator up-to-date:

sdk update android-emu

After updating, restart your emulator and check if the issue persists.

Method 2: Wipe Data and Reset Emulator

If updating the emulator doesn’t resolve the issue, try wiping the emulator’s data and performing a reset:

adb -e emu kill
adb -e emu wipe-data
adb -e emu start

This will erase all emulator data, so be sure to back up any important files before doing so.

Method 3: Disable and Re-enable the Status Bar

Sometimes, a simple toggle can work wonders. Try disabling and re-enabling the status bar:

adb shell settings put global policy_control immersive.full=*
adb shell settings put global policy_control immersive.full=

This will temporarily disable the status bar, and then re-enable it. Check if the issue persists after re-enabling.

Method 4: Configure the Emulator’s Settings

In some cases, adjusting the emulator’s settings can resolve the issue. Try the following:

Setting Value
Time Zone Set to your local time zone or a consistent value.
Automatic Time Zone Enable or Disable, depending on your use case.
Status Bar Color Try setting a custom color or reverting to the default.

Experiment with different combinations of settings to find a solution that works for you.


The Status Bar incorrectly displaying time and other status colors in API 35 Android Emulators can be a frustrating issue, but with the right approaches, you can overcome it. By updating your emulator, wiping data, disabling and re-enabling the status bar, and configuring the emulator’s settings, you should be able to resolve this problem and get back to developing or testing your Android app.

Remember, if none of these methods work, you can always try resetting your emulator or seeking further assistance from the Android developer community.

Stay tuned for more Android-related tutorials and guides, and happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on the pesky status bar issue in API 35 Android Emulators!

Why is my status bar displaying the wrong time and weird colors in API 35 Android Emulators?

This issue is due to a bug in the API 35 Android Emulators, where the status bar doesn’t correctly display the time and status colors. It’s not a problem with your app or code, so you can breathe a sigh of relief! Just remember that this is an emulator-specific issue and won’t affect real devices.

Is this issue specific to certain Android Emulators or all of them?

Unfortunately, this issue affects all Android Emulators running API 35. However, it’s worth noting that physical devices running API 35 aren’t affected, so you can still test your app on those devices for accurate results.

How can I fix this issue or work around it?

Unfortunately, there’s no direct fix for this issue, but you can try using a different Android Emulator version or a physical device for testing. You can also try resetting the emulator or wiping its data, but this might not solve the problem. Just remember that this issue is emulator-specific, so it won’t affect your app’s performance on real devices.

Will this issue be fixed in future Android Emulator updates?

The Android team is aware of this issue and is working on a fix. Keep an eye on future Android Emulator updates, and hopefully, this problem will be resolved soon. In the meantime, you can try the workarounds mentioned earlier or use a different testing environment.

Are there any other emulator-specific issues I should know about?

Yes, there are several other emulator-specific issues you should be aware of, such as issues with camera emulation, GPS, and more. Always keep an eye on the Android Emulator documentation and release notes to stay informed about any emulator-specific quirks or limitations.

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