The Ultimate Guide to Waiting for Multiple Async Methods: Taming the Beast of Concurrency
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The Ultimate Guide to Waiting for Multiple Async Methods: Taming the Beast of Concurrency

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Are you tired of dealing with the complexities of asynchronous programming? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of callbacks, promises, and threads? Fear not, dear developer, for today we shall embark on a journey to conquer the ultimate challenge: waiting for multiple async methods to reach their individual conditions.

The Problem: Why Do We Need to Wait?

In today’s world of concurrent programming, it’s not uncommon to have multiple tasks or threads running in the background, each performing a specific operation. However, sometimes these tasks need to wait for certain conditions to be met before they can continue executing. This is where things get tricky.

Imagine you’re building a web scraper that extracts data from multiple websites. Each website has its own rate limiting, and you need to wait for a certain amount of time before sending another request. If you use a simple `sleep` function, you’ll end up blocking the entire application, causing performance issues and frustration.

This is where we need to employ a more sophisticated approach, using techniques that allow multiple async methods to wait until certain individual conditions happen.

The Solution: Using Tasks and awaits

In C# and other modern programming languages, we can use tasks and awaits to create asynchronous methods that can wait for specific conditions to be met.

public async Task ScrapeWebsiteAsync(string url)
    // Simulate a delay to demonstrate the waiting process
    await Task.Delay(5000);

    // Perform the actual web scraping logic
    Console.WriteLine($"Scraped data from {url}");

In the above example, we have an asynchronous method `ScrapeWebsiteAsync` that simulates a delay of 5 seconds using `Task.Delay`. This delay represents the time it takes to scrape data from a website.

Now, let’s say we want to scrape data from multiple websites, but we need to wait for each website to finish scraping before moving on to the next one. We can use the `await` keyword to wait for each task to complete:

public async Task ScrapeWebsitesAsync(List<string> urls)
    foreach (string url in urls)
        await ScrapeWebsiteAsync(url);

In this example, we have an asynchronous method `ScrapeWebsitesAsync` that takes a list of URLs as input. We use a `foreach` loop to iterate over the list, and for each URL, we await the completion of the `ScrapeWebsiteAsync` task.

Introducing TaskCompletionSource

What if we need to wait for multiple tasks to complete, but each task has its own individual condition that needs to be met? This is where `TaskCompletionSource` comes into play.

public async Task WaitUntilConditionIsMetAsync(Func<bool> condition)
    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();

    // Simulate a delay to demonstrate the waiting process
    while (!condition())
        await Task.Delay(1000);

    return tcs.Task;

In this example, we have an asynchronous method `WaitUntilConditionIsMetAsync` that takes a function `condition` as input. This function represents the individual condition that needs to be met. We create a `TaskCompletionSource` and use a `while` loop to wait until the condition is met. Once the condition is met, we set the result of the task to `true` using `TrySetResult`.

Now, let’s say we have multiple tasks that need to wait for their own individual conditions to be met. We can use `TaskCompletionSource` to create tasks that wait for these conditions:

public async Task WaitUntilAllConditionsAreMetAsync(List<Func<bool>> conditions)
    var tasks = new List<Task>();

    foreach (var condition in conditions)

    await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

In this example, we have an asynchronous method `WaitUntilAllConditionsAreMetAsync` that takes a list of conditions as input. We create a list of tasks, where each task waits for its own individual condition to be met using `WaitUntilConditionIsMetAsync`. Finally, we use `Task.WhenAll` to wait until all tasks have completed.

Using Semaphores to Limit Concurrency

Sometimes, we need to limit the number of concurrent tasks running at the same time. This is where semaphores come into play.

public async Task ScrapeWebsitesAsync(List<string> urls)
    var semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(5);

    var tasks = new List<Task>();

    foreach (string url in urls)
        await semaphore.WaitAsync();

    await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

In this example, we have an asynchronous method `ScrapeWebsitesAsync` that takes a list of URLs as input. We create a `SemaphoreSlim` with a count of 5, which means that only 5 tasks can run concurrently. We use the `WaitAsync` method to wait until a slot is available, and then we add the task to the list. Finally, we use `Task.WhenAll` to wait until all tasks have completed.


Waiting for multiple async methods to reach their individual conditions is a challenging task, but with the right techniques and tools, it’s definitely achievable. By using tasks, awaits, `TaskCompletionSource`, and semaphores, we can create robust and efficient concurrent programs that meet the demands of modern software development.

Remember, concurrency is all about managing complexity, and with practice and patience, you’ll become a master of taming the beast of concurrency.

Technique Description
Tasks and awaits Use tasks and awaits to create asynchronous methods that can wait for specific conditions to be met.
TaskCompletionSource Use TaskCompletionSource to create tasks that wait for individual conditions to be met.
Semaphores Use semaphores to limit the number of concurrent tasks running at the same time.

Stay tuned for more articles on concurrency and asynchronous programming. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

When working with asynchronous methods, it’s not uncommon to need multiple tasks or threads to wait until certain individual conditions are met. But how do we achieve this harmony?

Can I use wait handles to synchronize multiple async methods?

Yes, you can use wait handles like `ManualResetEventSlim` or `SemaphoreSlim` to synchronize multiple async methods. These wait handles allow you to signal when a condition is met, and other tasks can wait on them to proceed.

How do I use Task.WaitAll to wait for multiple async methods to complete?

You can use `Task.WaitAll` to wait for multiple async methods to complete. This method takes an array of tasks and blocks until all of them have completed. Note that this method will throw an exception if any of the tasks fault.

Can I use a CountdownEvent to wait for multiple async methods to complete?

Another option is to use a `CountdownEvent`, which allows you to wait for a certain number of tasks to complete. Each task signals the countdown event when it finishes, and the waiting task can proceed when the count reaches zero.

What about using a Barrier to synchronize multiple async methods?

A `Barrier` is a synchronization primitive that allows multiple tasks to wait on each other to reach a certain point. When all tasks reach the barrier, they can proceed together. This is particularly useful when you need to synchronize multiple async methods that need to collaborate.

Are there any other considerations I should keep in mind when waiting for multiple async methods to complete?

Yes, always keep in mind the possibility of deadlocks, thread pool starvation, and performance implications when using synchronization primitives. Make sure to choose the right synchronization method for your scenario and test your code thoroughly to avoid any unexpected issues.

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